How Your Gift is Used
There are three primary ways the University uses gifts. Combined, these categories account for all gifts to Georgia Southern.
Current Operations
By supporting the University’s current operations, you provide funds for the special needs that continually arise. Unique faculty research or teaching opportunities, additional scholarships, and other projects that enhance the quality of the Georgia Southern experience are all supported through such gifts. Opportunities exist in all areas at the departmental, college, and university levels.
Capital Projects
New buildings and renovations to existing structures, depend on, and will in the future, rely on private support for completion. A gift to a pending capital project will ensure that Georgia Southern has the best facilities available – both inside and outside the classroom.
Endowment funds form the very core of financial well-being at the University. Created for the purpose of generating revenue in perpetuity, endowments are a permanent investment account for the University. By spending only a portion of the income from the endowment funds and reinvesting remaining earnings for future growth, Georgia Southern is able to provide inflation-adjusted support for much needed scholarships, professorships, and other programs for as long as the University exists. You can use any outright or deferred gift to fund, or help fund, a new or existing Georgia Southern endowment.
Benefits of Giving
Memorials & Tributes
You may designate any gift in honor of, or in memory of, someone close or special to you or your family. Whether this designation is made for a teacher, a student, relative, or friend, a memorial or tribute designation is an extremely thoughtful gesture that recognizes an individual’s life and accomplishments. The person of your choosing will be notified of memorial or tribute gifts.
Tax Benefits
The government rewards your generosity by allowing valuable tax benefits for your charitable gifts to organizations and institutions such as the ºÚÁÏÉç Foundation, Inc.
Any lifetime gift received by the ºÚÁÏÉç Foundation, Inc. qualifies for an income tax deduction. In addition, most gifts permit the avoidance or postponement of any potential capital gains taxes. Revocable commitments, such as will bequests, do not qualify for income tax benefits; however – like virtually all gifts – they reduce potential estate tax liability.
For gifts made during your lifetime, your income tax deduction is typically equal to your gift’s full fair market value. The deduction is reduced for some gifts, including non-cash assets held less than one year and certain types of tangible personal property.
If you receive benefits from your gift, such as lifetime income or athletics seating privileges, the allowable deduction is reduced in accordance with the benefits you receive. The remaining deduction will still significantly reduce the cost of your gift.
The size of your gift may affect how much of your income tax deduction you are permitted to use in one year and how much you carry forward to future years.
While a gift planning officer at ºÚÁÏÉç is pleased to provide personalized illustrations and general information, we cannot give specific legal, tax, or other professional advice. For such assistance regarding your personal circumstances, you are encouraged to consult personal legal and financial advisors.
Understanding tax and other benefits of charitable giving may affect your gift choices and timing. To learn more about the tax advantages of specific types of gifts, please contact the Office of Development at 912-478-5105.
Recognition For Your Generosity
In addition to tax incentives, Georgia Southern recognizes the dedication of those donors who choose to partner in the future of the university and its endeavors.
There are several societies that recognize the contributions of such partners.