
TA2/LA2 Training

Congratulations on your appointment to a Teaching/Lab Assistant, Level 2 (TA2/LA2)!

**You MUST register and attend the required TA2/LA2 Training provided by the Faculty Center. This course is required and there are no exceptions to this policy. Find more information here.

You may register for Teaching and Learning Essentials Seminar by going to the Faculty Center鈥檚 registration page .

Pedagogical Training for Teaching Assistants: Requirements

Preparatory and in-service training is required for Graduate Students with a TA2 teaching assignment; it is optional for Graduate Students teaching as TA1 and those without a teaching assignment (departmental policy may vary).

The pedagogical training includes two parts:

Intensive pedagogical seminar 鈥 鈥淚ntroduction to College Teaching鈥

This seminar will be offered at the end of the Spring semester for all TAs interested in learning more about teaching. TAs who have already been informed of their appointment or desire to be appointed as TA2s for Fall 2015 are especially encouraged to attend. For more information consult the Complete TA Training Manual on Google Drive.

In-service training events throughout the first Academic Year of teaching (see 1.1)

In-service Training

During their first year as instructors of record, TA2s are required to complete a minimum of three training options each semester. In the first semester, this includes completion of a required, non-evaluative teaching observation of the TA2s classroom instruction (2.2.1) as well as the completion of a minimum of two (2) electives as outlined below (2.2.2). In the second semester of teaching, TA2s are required to complete two different (2) electives and develop a teaching portfolio. Upon successful completion of ALL of these requirements TAs will be awarded a Certificate to document their training.

Teaching Observation (required during first semester of teaching as TA2)

TA2s will arrange for an observation of their teaching. The observation needs to include a follow-up meeting with the observer, a written report (rubric) completed by the observer, and a written self-evaluation and reflection on the lesson and observer feedback by the TA. Observations should be completed before the end of the 10th week of the semester (this semester: October 24, 2014). Observations can be facilitated by designated departmental faculty or the Faculty Center consultants.

Teaching Portfolio (required during second semester of teaching as TA2)

TA2s are required to complete a Teaching Portfolio that includes 1) Teaching Philosophy Statement, 2) Overview of Teaching Responsibilities, 3) Documentation of Teaching Effectiveness, 4) a minimum of one teaching artifact (i.e. syllabus, assignment, activity, etc.) created by the TA. TAs are encouraged to attend a the Faculty Center workshop on 鈥淐reating a Teaching Portfolio鈥 and/ or consult with a the Faculty Center consultant on the creation of their teaching portfolio. Towards this purpose, we recommend TAs start now to collect materials that speak to their teaching including assignments, student work, student evaluations, peer evaluations, etc.


TAs may choose from a variety of options to complete their elective requirements for in-service training. During their first year of teaching, TA2s are required to participate in and submit a brief reflection on a minimum of two (2) electives EACH SEMESTER THEY TEACH.

Workshops/ seminars on a teaching topic

To receive credit for participation TA2s submit a brief reflection and evidence of attendance to the Faculty Center and COGS via folio dropbox. Each semester, the Faculty Center will offer a series of workshops specifically designed for new faculty and TAs. TAs are encouraged to preferentially attend the workshops offered as part of this series.

Departments may request the Faculty Center to present a workshop on a teaching topic of interest for their TAs (and faculty).

Possible topics for workshops may include:

  • Classroom Management
  • Collaborative Learning Techniques
  • Collecting and Making Sense of Student Feedback
  • Creating a Teaching Philosophy/ Teaching Portfolio
  • Designing a Syllabus/ Course Design
  • Flipping the Classroom
  • Learning Centered Teaching
  • Presentation Skills (including effective use of PPT)
  • Teaching in an Inclusive Classroom
  • Teaching with Technology/ Teaching with Social Media
  • Writing for Critical Thinking (WAC)

The Faculty Center may be able to offer a workshop on other topics of interest in collaboration with the department.

Departments have the option to offer discipline specific teaching workshops. For TAs to receive credit for attendance at these workshops, departmental facilitators are required to provide a short rationale (How does it contribute to the pedagogical training of TAs?) and a description of the event to the Faculty Center and COGS for approval (this needs to be submitted at least one month prior to the event). Following the event facilitators are required to submit an attendance list.