Faculty Research Interests

NameDepartmentAreas of InterestResearch SkillsEmail Address
Brenda BlackwellWomen, crime, and criminal justice processing; gender and intersectionality in criminological theory; intersectionality in crime and justice; child and labor trafficking; corrections; electronic monitoring; community context and crimesurvey research methods; experimental criminology; mixed methods in criminology; focus groupsbblackwell@georgiasouthern.edu
Jeff KlibertPSYCMental Health Prevention and Intervention, Suicide Prevention, Social Justice, Rural Culture, Wellness and Well-BeingCompetence in Survey and Experimental Research, Clinical Case Studies, Quantitative Analyses, Measurement Developmentjklibert@georgiasouthern.edu
Daniel Skidmore-HessPNTS-POLGlobalization, Electoral Politics & Ideology, Socialism, Liberalism, History of Political Theory, Religion & Politicsdanielskidmorehess@georgiasouthern.edu
Jose de Arimateia da CruzPNTS-POLInsurgency & Counterinsurgency, Intelligence & National Security, Artificial Intelligence & National Security; African and Latin American Civil-Military Relations, Cybersecurity & Critical Infrastructure, and Homeland Security Portuguese & Spanish, SPSS Statisticsjdacruz@georgiasouthern.edu
Trent DavisDPNSPublic and Nonprofit Administration, Human Resource Management, Organization Development and Behavior, Local Government Management, Leadership.Survey development (Qualtrics), interviews (individual/group), data analysis both quantitative (SPSS, STATA) and qualitative (nvivo).tjdavis@georgiasouthern.edu
Nalanda RoyPNTS-INTSInternational security, international relations, comparative politics, Area Studies (South Asia, Southeast Asia, and the Asia-Pacific), China, international security and immigration, maritime security, environment and energy security, international law and security, Globalization, social movements, human rights, genocide.International security, international relations, comparative politics, Area Studies (South Asia, Southeast Asia, and the Asia-Pacific), China, international security and immigration, maritime security, environment and energy security, international law and security, Globalization, social movements, human rights, genocide.nroy@georgiasouthern.edu
Nicholas S. Holtzman, Ph.D.PSYCSocial Psychology, Personality Psychology, Research Methods, Quantitative Psychology, Experimental Design, Health PsychologyR and R Markdown software, Multiple Regression for the Social Sciences, Psychometrics (determining reliability/validity), Everyday Personality Assessmentnholtzman@georgiasouthern.edu
Tameka ArdreySHE-HDFSeducational equity, cultural diversity, and social justice in early educationtardrey@georgiasouthern.edu
Wendy WolfePSYCClinical Psychology; Eating Disorders; Body Image; Social Media; Substance Use/Addiction; Gratitude; MindfulnessExperimental Research; Non-experimental (Survey) Researchwlwolfe@georgiasouthern.edu
Nancy MalcomSOC-ANTHgender, intersectionality, sport, childhoodqualitative (interviews, content analysis, ethnography)nmalcom@georgiasouthern.edu
Ryan McNuttSOC-ANTHconflict archaeology, Geographical Information Systems and LiDAR, battlefield archaeology, landscape archaeology, historical archaeology of race, class and gender, memorialization and commemoration, technology in archaeology, anthropology of violence and conflict, prisoners of war and internment, American Civil War, warfare in historic periods. GIS, LiDAR, Remote Sensing, archival and document research, archaeological fieldwork, applications of military terrain analysis tools, UXO expertise, material culture and narratives. rmcnutt@georgiasouthern.edu
Maureen StobbPNTS-POLLaw and Courts (including judicial politics, immigration law and policy, constitutional law, international law)Quantitative analysis (primary); doctrinal analysis (secondary)mstobb@georgiasouthern.edu
Cary ChristianDPNSTax evasion; trade-based money laundering; state and local government fiscal condition; AI and machine learning applications in tax compliance enforcementIndex development; principle components analysis; data cleaning and conversion; time series regression and other similar approaches; survey research; Tableaupchristian@georgiasouthern.edu
Matthew ComptonSOC-ANTHSoutheastern United States archaeology, zooarchaeology, archaeological curation, environmental archaeology, historical ecology, subsistence studiesIdentification and analysis of Holocene-age vertebrate and invertebrate animal remains from inland and coastal archaeological sites of the southeastern United States and adjacent areas; archaeological curation practicejcompton@georgiasouthern.edu
Trent W. MaurerSHE-HDFSScholarship of Teaching & Learning [SoTL] in multiple areas; Sexual AssaultSurvey Methodology and Design (both questionnaire and interview); IRB submission & review/consultation; Qualtricstmaurer@georgiasouthern.edu
Jonathan GrubbCJCREnvironmental criminology, Barriers to service provision, Criminology and Pop CultureQuantitative Methods and Statistical Analysis using SPSS, R, MPlus, HLM, and LISREL. Spatial Analysis using ArcGIS, GeoDa, Near Repeat Calculator, and Risk Terrain Modeling. jgrubb@georgiasouthern.edu
Kimberly Martin TecklenburgPNTS-POLPublic policy, public admin, leadership, civic engagement, lgbt policy, education policy, state and local politics Qualitative and quantitative analysis, survey research, Stata kimberlymartin@georgiasouthern.edu
Nikki DiGregorioSHE-HDFSgender, gender expression, sexuality, sexual identity, social policy, marriage, language appropriation, social justice, trauma-informed care, scholarship of teaching and learningmixed methodologies, qualitative data analyses, phenomenological research, grounded theory, feminist theories, queer theoryndigregorio@georgiasouthern.edu
Amanda GrahamCJCRpolicing, public opinionsurvey design/administration, quant, advanced statsakgraham@georgiasouthern.edu
Ty BoyerPSYCDevelopmental Psychology; Cognitive Science; Learning & Memory; Visual Attention; Action Perception; Numerical Cognition; Social CognitionExperimental design; Computerized stimulus-response methods; Eye-tracking methodology & analysistboyer@georgiasouthern.edu
Jennifer Sweeney TookesSOC-ANTHfisheries; fishing communities; seafood; food production; health; nutrition; health care; equity; coastal people; Georgia; South Carolina; Southeastern US; migration and transnationalism; African diaspora; Caribbean; Barbados: US Virgin Islands; food systems; racial, ethnic, & gender identity; sustainable food; climate and environment; qualitative interviews and analysis; ethnographic methods; participant observation; quantitative methods; interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary researchjtookes@georgiasouthern.edu
Baker RogersSOC-SOCgender, sexuality, religion, U.S. South, trans studies, masculinitiesqualitative, interviewsbarogers@georgiasouthern.edu
Barry BalleckPNTS-POLInternational and Domestic Terrorism; Hate Groups; American Foreign Policy; United NationsStandardbballeck@georgiasouthern.edu
CHAD POSICKCJCRVictimization; Environmental Justice; StatisticsStatistics; R-programing; translational/action researchcposick@georgiasouthern.edu
Karen Z. NaufelPSYCBroadly --Applied social cognition (in health, meteorology, education, and more); mitigating research risks to researchers; memory; scholarship of teaching and learning; perceptions of science by the public Online research (survey development, online behavioral measures, participant recruitment); ethical research mentorship (mitigating risks to researchers and human participants; establishing socially supportive labs; cultural responsiveness in mentorship; research as a way to create transferrable skills; diversity, equity, and inclusion in undergraduate research experience)knaufel@georgiasouthern.edu
Nicolette RickertPSYCHow the complex social ecologies of adolescents’ school and family lives shape the development of their academic engagement and motivation. • Combined and differential impacts of parent and teacher involvement as protective factors for adolescent educational success, especially over school transitions. • How development is shaped by students’ interpersonal relationships and malleable self-theories (sense of relatedness, mastery goal achievement orientations). Methodological strategies for capturing developmental pathways within differentially supportive social contexts.Applied developmental science in education; applied research; school-based research; quantitative statistical methodology (multiple regression, SEM, MLM, longitudinal analyses and data set management); analyses in SPSS, R, and Excelnrickert@georgiasouthern.edu
Adrienne CohenSOC-SOCRural aging, program evaluation, scholarship of teaching and learning, social support systems for older adults, income inequality, and death, dying and bereavement. Work in both qualitative and quantitative methods with a special focus on qualitative including phenomenology, auto-ethnography, and participant action research.acohen@georgiasouthern.edu
Jamie ScaleraPNTS-POLInternational Politics; European Politics; International Trade; International Finance; International Law and Courts; Public Opinion; Professional Development (Women in the Academy); Undergraduate ResearchQuantitative (statistical) analysis; Survey analysis; Archival research; Content analysisjscalera@georgiasouthern.edu
Karen M. McCurdyPNTS-POLDecision making in the U.S. Congress; Environmental Policy, particularly mining and public lands issues.Statistics, Geographic Information Systemskmccurdy@georgiasouthern.edu
Beth McGeeSHE-INDSservice-learning, biophilia, nature-based design, child life play room design, indoor play rooms, daycare design, design pedagogymixed methods, NVivo12, instrument developmentbethmcgee@georgiasouthern.edu
Thresa YanceyPSYCChild maltreatment; LGBTQ; biastyancey@georgiasouthern.edu
Kate PerryPNTS-POLWomen, gender, human trafficking, feminist political economy, feminist security, foreign policy, sanctions, conflictQuantitative analysis, regression modeling, qualitative process tracing, mixed method research, data analysiskperry@georgiasouthern.edu
Andrew BullaPSYCBehavior Analysis, Instructional Design, Precision Teaching, Direct Instruction, Concept Learning, Animal Training and WelfareBehavior Analysis, Instructional Design, Precision Teaching, Direct Instruction, Concept Learning, Animal Training and Welfare, Physical Activity and Health abulla@georgiasouthern.edu
Caitlin BradyCJCRjuvenile justice, mental health, risk assessments, justice system rehabilitation effortsquantitative, community-based research/partnerships, latent class analysiscbrady@georgiasouthern.edu
Brad SturzPSYCLearning Memory and Cognition. Outcomes Assessment.Experimental Design. Data Analysis and Visualization.bradleysturz@georgiasouthern.edu
Virginia RollingSHE-FMADSustainable Luxury, SOTL (teaching and learning), skin to skin garment researchQualitative emphasis (transcription, coding)vrolling@georgiasouthern.edu
Michael NielsenPSYCpsychology of religionscale developmentmnielsen@georgiasouthern.edu
Heidi AltmanSOC-ANTHNative American languages; applied/medical anthropology re: maternal mortality; applied anthropologyQualitative research, Ethnographic research, directed elicitation, community based participatory research, NVivohaltman@georgiasouthern.edu
Brett CurryPNTS-POLJudicial Politics; Law and Courts; American Politicsdata analysis, data collection, experimental designbcurry@georgiasouthern.edu
Rebecca RyanPSYCLife-Span Developmental Psychology Gerontology Scholarship of Teaching and LearningQuantitative analysis (SPSS)rgryan@georgiasouthern.edu
Ted BrimeyerSOC-SOCLabor and labor markets; inequality; mediaStatistics; survey designtbrimeyer@georgiasouthern.edu
Eric SilvaSOC-ANTHpublic understanding of science, science communication, anti-vaccine movement, culture wars, qualitative content analysiseosilva@georgiasouthern.edu
Alicia L BrunsonSOC-SOC1) Racial inequality 2) Black student retention 3) Racial identity formation 4) Politics of representation 5) Popular media analyses 6) Participatory action research1) In-depth interview 2) Focus groups 3) Content analysis 4) Statistics--multiple regression analysisabrunson@georgiasouthern.edu
Elizabeth RahillySOC-ANTHGender, Sexuality, LGBTQI+ studies, FamilyQualitative researcher, ethnographyerahilly@georgiasouthern.edu
Beth MyersSHE-FMADRetail, fashion marketing, textiles, sustainability bmyers@georgiasouthern.edu
Addie MartindaleSHE-FMADfunctional apparel design, design disparity, gender disparity, under represented consumers, design for disability, non traditional clothing consumption, sustainabilityqualitative research, apparel design developmentamartindale@georgiasouthern.edu
Nancy L MalcomSOC-ANTHgender, intersectionality, sport, childhoodqualitative methods - interviews, ethnography, content analysisnmalcom@georgiasouthern.edu
Jonathan FriedelPSYCDecision making, delay discounting, probability discounting, behavioral economics, statistical practices in psychology, environmental behavior, drug abuse, relapse, animal behavior, punishment, response variability, theoretical models of choiceSingle-subject/small-n/single-case research designs, surveys, programming adaptive tasks for humans and non-human animals, data cleaning and manipulation, graphical presentation of data, regression, generalized estimating equations, Monte Carlo simulations, curvilinear regression, model comparisonsjfriedel@georgiasouthern.edu
Alice HallSHE-HDFSChild Care Quality, Youth Development, Anti-Bias CurriculumSurvey methodologyalicehall@georgiasouthern.edu
Kelley T FrazierSHE-HDFSHealthcare children and family/ healthcare in rual areas for childrenbeginnerkfrazier@georgiasouthern.edu
Kelley T FrazierSHE-HDFSPlay and therapy interventions for children in healthcare/ Marriage and Family therapybeginnerkfrazier@georgiasouthern.edu
Jennifer ZorotovichSHE-HDFSaging and adult development, intergenerational interactions, positive well-being, adult development transitions, social statusQuantitative and Qualitative Methodologiesjzorotovich@georgiasouthern.edu
Jayce SudweeksDPNSManagement of nonprofit organizations, nonprofit governance, nonprofit performance, role of nonprofits in the policy processthematic analysis, focus groups, collaborative stakeholder engagementsjsudweeks@georgiasouthern.edu
Jacob EricksonCJCRCriminal Identity and Decision Making/ Drug Use & Trade/Code of the StreetsQuantitative and Qualitative Methodsjerickson@georgiasouthern.edu
Amy HackneyPSYCMeasuring and reducing race, gender, and SES-based stereotypes, prejudice, and impostor feelings (applied to educational and criminal justice situations); social factors that affect psychopathyExperimental design; nonbiased survey wording and design; measurementahackney@georgiasouthern.edu
tricia nooneSOC-SOCMarriage and Family, Social Problems, Medical Sociologytnoone@georgiasouthern.edu
Katy GreggSHE-HDFSStrengths based approaches to supporting children and families (community engagement programs, child development centers, early childhood education, parent engagement, family education); Young children's social and emotional development (teaching skills, preventing challenging behaviors); Inclusion of young children with disabilities and delaysApplied Research with children and families; Qualitative Research (Naturalistic Inquiry, Focus Groups, Document Analysis, Interviews, Case Study); Observational and program evaluation; Mixed Methods integrationkgregg@georgiasouthern.edu
Eric SilvaSOC-ANTHscience communication, culture warsqualitative content analysiseosilva@georgiasouthern.edu
Daniel Skidmore-HessPNTS-POLModern Ideologies, Electoral Politics, Classics of Political Thought, Religion & Politics, European Politics, Globalization, Trade Policyarchival process tracing, textual hermeneuticsdanielskidmorehess@georgiasouthern.edu
José de Arimateia da CruzPNTS-POLCybersecurity Cybercrime Intelligent & National Security Insurgency & Counterinsurgency Latin America and Africa PoliticsFluency in Portuguese Spanish and basic Russianjdacruz@georgiasouthern.edu
Matthew ComptonSOC-ANTHSoutheastern United States archaeology, zooarchaeology, archaeological curation, environmental archaeology, historical ecology, subsistence studies, regional studiesIdentification and analysis of Holocene-age vertebrate and invertebrate animal remains from inland and coastal archaeological sites of the southeastern United States and adjacent areas; archaeological curation practicejcompton@georgiasouthern.edu
Nancy L MalcomSOC-ANTHchildhood, sports, gender, intersections of inequality (race, class, gender, sexuality)qualitative - interviews, observations, content analysis, media analysisnmalcom@georgiasouthern.edu
Matthew Southern FlynnPNTS-INTSGlobal Health, Immigration Detention, Pharmaceuticals, GlobalizationMainly qualitative, interviewing, content analysis, but am looking into doing some research on longitudinal quantitative work along with an interest in doing some qualitative comparative analysis using Boolean logic.mflynn@georgiasouthern.edu
Mike NIelsenPSYCSocial aspects of religion; gender norms in religionMeasurement; Scale developmentmnielsen@georgiasouthern.edu
Jeff KlibertPSYCWell-being, positive emotions, suicide prevention, prevention as a science, multicultural issues, LGBTQ+ community developmentPath analytic procedures, survey development, correlational methodologies, evaluation of clinical interventionsjklibert@georgiasouthern.edu
Cary ChristianDPNSTrade-based money laundering, terrorist financing, tax evasion, local government financeData cleansing, data conversion, time series regression, principal component analysis, otherpchristian@georgiasouthern.edu
Heidi AltmanSOC-ANTHLinguistic and applied anthropology; Native American and African American communities in the American South; maternal health; historical ecology and community science systemsParticipant observation; linguistic elicitation; community-based participatory research; focus groups; ethnographic interviews; qualitative data analysis; group facilitation for planning and problem solving.haltman@georgiasouthern.edu
Caitlin BradyCJCRjuvenile justice, mental health, risk assessments, justice system rehabilitation effortsquantitative, community-based research/partnershipscbrady@georgiasouthern.edu
Christopher M BrownPNTS-INTSDevelopment and Sustainability, Democratization, Public Policy, Political Theory, Constructivism, Political Campaigns, Caribbean Basin, Blue Economy, Military HistoryFieldwork, Development Policy, Case Studiescmbrown@georgiasouthern.edu
Nikki DiGregorioSHE-HDFSgender, gender expression, sexuality, sexual identity, social policy, marriage, language appropriation, social justice, trauma-informed care, scholarship of teaching and learningmixed methodologies, qualitative data analyses, phenomenological research, grounded theory, feminist theories, queer theoryndigregorio@georgiasouthern.edu
Barry BalleckPNTS-POLDomestic Terrorism; Hate Groups; Political Extremism; Patriot GroupsVariedbballeck@georgiasouthern.edu
Adrienne CohenSOC-ANTHRural aging, scholarship of teaching and learning, social support systems for older adults, older women gerontologist, and death, dying and bereavement. Work in both qualitative and quantitative methods with a special focus on qualitative including program evaluation, community needs assessments, phenomenology, auto-ethnography, and participant action research.acohen@georgiasouthern.edu
Elizabeth RahillySOC-ANTHGender, Sexuality, LGBT+ StudiesQualitative, Ethnographyerahilly@georgiasouthern.edu
Jamie ScaleraPNTS-POLInternational Relations (Global Issues), European Politics and Economics, International Trade, Global Finance and Banking, European Courts, Migration and Identity Politics, Professional Development concerns esp relating to gender issues in the academyQuantitative Methods (using Stata), Surveys and Interviewing, Archival Analysis, Linguistic Analysis (LIWC software)jscalera@georgiasouthern.edu
Amanda GrahamCJCRPolicing; police-community relations; public opinion; survey research/designsurvey research/design; quantitative methods/analysisakgraham@georgiasouthern.edu
Chad PosickCJCRVictimology; Research Methods; StatisticsR Statistics; Policy Analysis; Action Researchcposick@georgiasouthern.edu
Clare WalshSOC-SOCgender, sexualityqualitative methodscwalsh@georgiasouthern.edu
Kim MartinPNTS-POLPublic policy, leadership, Ed policy, LGBT policy qualitative & quantitative, survey research, Stata, Excel kimberlymartin@georgiasouthern.edu
Jonathan GrubbCJCRDV/IPV; Spatiotemporal investigations of crime/victimization; Popular Culture and Criminology; Criminological & Victimological TheoryQuantitative Analytic Techniques; Spatial Analysisjgrubb@georgiasouthern.edu
Jacob EricksonCJCRDeviant/Criminal Identity and Decision Making Processes, Drug Use/Dealing, Qualitative Methods, Violent CrimeQualitative data collection and analysis. Quantitative data analysis.jerickson@georgiasouthern.edu
Nalanda RoyPNTS-POLGrantsInternational security, international relations, comparative politics, Area Studies (South and Southeast Asia, and the Asia-Pacific), China, international security and immigration, maritime and energy security, international law and security, Globalization, and social movements, human rights and security, genocide.nroy@georgiasouthern.edu
Ty BoyerPSYCPsychology; Development; Cognitive ScienceExperimental methodology; Computerized behavioral experiment programming; Statistical analysis; Eye-tracking and visual attention methods; Research with developmental populations (infants, preschoolers, elementary school students).tboyer@georgiasouthern.edu
Nicolette RickertPSYCApplied Developmental Psychology How the complex social ecologies of adolescents’ school and family lives shape the development of their academic engagement and motivation. • Combined and differential impacts of parent and teacher involvement as protective factors for adolescent educational success, especially over school transitions. • How development is shaped by students’ interpersonal relationships and malleable self-theories (sense of relatedness, mastery goal achievement orientations). Methodological strategies for capturing developmental pathways within differentially supportive social contexts.Quantitative statistical methodology and analyses (multiple regression, multivariate quantitative methods, SEM for longitudinal analyses, multilevel regression in R/SPSS/Excel) Applied research working with local schools and communities Measurement development CLASS-S observational coding of secondary classroomsnrickert@georgiasouthern.edu